You just received a new package, but you don't know what it is.
You decided to take advantage of the promotion by choosing a cure with renewal, so this is the continuation of your program - well done!
Thanks to the regular follow-up of your cure, you'll have all the chances on your side to be fit (vitamins) and more confident. Thanks to your personal access, you'll be able to follow the progress of your program with lots of energy - and at this time of year, you need lots of energy! Learn more about subscriptions.
Now that you've received your package, why not give it one last try? Many customers say they're glad they renewed the program: it would be a shame to stop there, don't you think?
If you don't want to continue during the next two months, simply call or email our customer service department to stop the delivery of capsules.
Clever and faster: you can also stop the shipment yourself directly online, see this article to learn how.
If, for any reason, you do not wish to keep the package you have received,